Do you want to be know as an ‘Australian’ designer, or ‘just’ a designer? Why?
I’m not concerned with how consumers other designers perceive me as long as its a positive perception and gains me work/income. I wouldn’t put in extra effort to market my self as an Aussie designer unless there was some monetary benefit. Yup, this is what happens when you’re an artist raised by a businesses consultant lol
What does it mean to identify yourself as a designer from a specific geographical location?
National pride? You have a history to the land. I would most likely identify as a Dunsborough artist (Margret river region) as I have a positive and long term connection to that land. But only if I was producing and selling work in that location.
How do you relate to the Australian stereotype – do you think this is useful or accurate?
I’m not sure what the Aussie designer stereotype is. Do we drink a lot? sure.
Is it ok to reference the motifs of other cultural groups (other than your own)? When, how and under what circumstances? Why?
I wouldn’t as I can’t see a reason as I would want to? If you do for some reason want to use another cultures motifs make sure the reason is not ‘it looks cool and I want to draw that’. I can’t tell you whats a cgood reason why. However lets say you did have a good reason and wanted to take inspiration from aboriginal drawings of rivers, you’d take inspiration from one element only. Perhaps the colours they used, or the composition, or the mediums, or the tools. But never more than too things, like the colours and the technique. You’re stepping too far into some one else heritage where you have no business being. I mean why would you want to any way.