For the gradshow my skill set will be best applied towards marketing and the graphics. My web and graphic design background could offer something new. As a web designer i can make email newsletters and/or a website depending on what the team whats to do. I’ll be nominating myself for the graphics position based on this. However i would prefer not to have a leadership role for this. Leadership takes time so does graphics, and i can’t do both as well as complete for my graduate collection.
If some one guides me to creating graphics for the gradshow than i can easily balance that with my work load. But both would be too much. I’ve already resigned to that fact that ill be doing most of my portfolio towards the end of the semester. As i need to wait until i photograph most of my work and/or repurpose some of my old designs. That leaves some items for the grad show, but as the semester progresses i will have less and less time ( as will my peers). I would much rather take a swift and decisive approach to getting the graphics completed, however from past experience i doubt that will be the case.
I’ve already participated in completed two gradshows in the past. My diploma and advance diploma of graphic design. The same thing happens every time. People in leadership want to move fast and get the work out of the way so they can then focus on their own studies, people not in leadership get stressed/upset that things are moving too fast and feel they don’t have an input. In the end, leadership slows down and then nobody cares what decisions are made as every one is too focused on their work and leadership is left trying to balance the gradshow and their worn work.
That is what i want to avoid. I can design and work fast but i can’t manage people (of this scale , small teams yes, but not 50 people). As long as i’m doing graphics then im happy.